Knapp Electric, Inc.: Secrets of Master Magic Set No. 2
Knapp Electric, Inc.: Secrets of Master Magic Set No. 2
©1929 KNapp Electric, Inc., NY
Softcover, stapled, 21 pages
Knapp Electric: Secrets of Master Magic Set No. 2
Image from Magicref

Comments: Instruction manual for a Magic Set manufactured in 1929

Contents (from book):

1 The Making of a Master Magician
1 The Importance of Secrecy
1 What Magic Is
1 Remember That Practice Makes Perfect
2 How To Make An Audience Look Where You Want Them To
2 When Something Goes Wrong
2 Patter - What It Is And How To Use It

3 Korean Coin Box: a simple Okito box move, coin penetrates box and card
4 Master Cards: "Due to lack of space here, instructions for the Master Cards are included inside the card case"
5 Dr. Wu's Blocks and Balls: a string passes through two blocks, a ball vanishes and appears between the blocks
7 The Chinese Tissue Paper Trick: a string of tissue paper is cut and restored using a Mirror glass
8 Houdini Chain Escape: escape from a chain, I've seen it called the Siberian Chain Escape in later years
10 Silk a Tube: a silk changes color in a metal tube
12 Chink-A-Disks: disks with holes in the center are magically removed from a string, leaving just the one disk that was holding them there
14 Multiplying Billiard Balls: simple routine using a standard set of four
15 Vanishing Silk: using a TT
16 The Slave's Ring: a bracelet sized ring magically appears on a rope tied between the wrists
17 A Master Magic Act: the effects routined into an act, with patter
21 Other Master Magic Set for the Master Magician" adertisement for sets 1 and 3
22 (back cover) Order Blank: Magic set no. 1 was $1, no. 2 was $3.50, and no. 3 was $5.00
