London, Ron: Session #1
© Undated, Ron London
Softcover, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11", 10 pages
              London Session #1
Image from Magicref
Ron London: Session #1

Comments: Cover is pretty generic, but inside front page states, "Session #1"

Contents (from book):

1 Linking Coat Hangers: two coat hangers link and come apart
1 Sponges:
1 - Simple Vanish
2 - Vanish In Thumb Tip
2 - Counting Routine
2 - Put 'N Take
3 The Rising Crayons: from box
3 Ring of Thoth: curtain ring penetrates onto a scarf
5 Walking Cane Suspension: adheres to hand
5 Color-Change Scarf: with wand
6 Under the Cups: one by one balls assemble under a single cup of four
7 Odd Name Test: performer locates the odd paper slip in a hat
8 Bank Night Routine: performer gets the envelope with the money
8 Sympathetic Scarves: knots in one set of scarves appear on the other set
10 Blendo: three scarves blend into a large one
