John Nevil Maskelyne: Maskelyne On The Performance of Magic
Maskelyne, John Nevil: Maskelyne On The Performance of Magic
©1976 Dover Publications
Softcover, perfect-bound, 151 pages.
Maskelyne On The Performance of Magic
Image courtesy eBay seller LeoCuellar

Comments: The copyright page states, "This Dover edition, first published 1976 by Dover Publications, is an unabridged republication of part I, "The Art in Magic", of "Our Magic", by Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant, as published by E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, in 1911."

Contents: (Chapters, from book ToC, page numbers are not accurate):

1 Chapter I The Real Secrets of Magic
5 Chapter II The Three Degrees in Art: High Art, Normal Art, False Art
29 Chapter III Unity
43 Chapter IV Consistency
55 Chapter V Justification
65 Chapter VI Surprise and Repetition
77 Chapter VII Effects of Transition
85 Chapter VIII Climax
101 Chapter IX Presentation
111 Chapter X Rehearsal
129 Chapter XI Speed In Presentation
134 Chapter XII Patter
150 Chapter XIII Stage Manner and Personality
157 Chapter XIV Mental Attitude
162 The Importance of Artistic Principles
