J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Co.: The Amateur's Guide to Magic and Mystery and The Black Art Exposed
J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Co.: The Amateur's Guide to Magic and Mystery
And the Black Art Exposed
©1891 J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., NY
Softcover, perfect-bound, 4.75x7", 134 pages
The Amateur's Guide to Magic and Mystery and The
              Black Art Exposed
Image courtesy eBay seller JayAndLefty

Comments: No author is listed. Two books in one. Note that many of the tricks in The Amateur's Guide to Magic and Mystery portion are word-for-word the same as in the Black Art Exposed section of the book. Also, "The Black Art Fully Exposed and Laid Bare" was earlier published in 1874 and has been included as part of other works.

Some effects are challenging to understand without diagrams as they are briefly explained. Also, many are more of exposures than tricks, as there is not enough detail to repeat the effect, but only provide insights as to how a trick might work.

Contents (from book):

Part I The Amateur's Guide to Magic and Mystery

5 Pea and Thimble Trick: the three shell game briefly described
6 Chaining and Rope-Tying Tricks: introduction
7 - The Polytechnic Rope-Tying Ladder Trick: escape
9 The Knife Suspended from the Fingers: simple
10 Optical Delusions: on the concept of using mirrors
10 The Miraculous Growth of Flowers: flowers appear under a cone
11 The Magic Telescope: an optical scope pointed at a bookshelf actually projects an image from the next room
12 The Basket Trick: a vanishing box briefly described
13 The Bottle Trick: chemical magic
14 The Oriental Ball Trick: three balls are removed from a ribbon
15 An Excellent Card Trick: magician determines which card was turned upside down
16 The Ring and Stick: simple approach
16 The Hat Puzzle: stunt
17 An Impossibility: physical stunt
17 A Rope Trick: rope release
17 The Restored Handkerchief: cut and burnt borrowed handkerchief is restored
19 A Swindle: stunt
19 To Make a Cane or Poker Stand in the Middle of the Room: using IT
19 Excellent Trick With Shilling-Pieces: coins vanish from a paper and join those held by the spectator
20 The Trick of the Inexhaustible Bottle: various drinks poured from an empty bottle
21 The Dice Trick: vague explanation of Dice through Hat
21 The Magic Rings: a very brief explanation of how the Linking Rings work
22 To Change a Dime to a Quarter: the paper fold
23 To Pass Six Cents Through a Table: details of the stack of coins
25 To Pass a Quarter into a Ball of Worsted: coin vanishes and is found in ball of yarn
26 The Twenty Cent Trick: coins vanish and join others in spectator's hands
26 To Make an Egg Stand on One End: science stunt
27 The Magic Cups: bird seed transfers from one cup in a hat to another
27 The Bogle Bodkin: stab yourself without harm using a gimmicked knife
28 To Put a Ring Through One's Cheek: using a special ring
28 Incombustible Paper: chemical trick
28 Metal Melted on Paper Over a Candle: chemical trick
28 How to Make Water Freeze by the Fireside: science trick performed in Winter
29 A Lamp That Will Burn Twelve Months Without Replenishing: chemical light
29 The Egg in the Phial: science trick
29 How to Take a Wedding-Ring Off a Tobacco Pipe: gag
30 An Amusing Trick for the Drawing Room and a Good Subject for a Wager: gag
31 To Make a Person Tired or Sweat at Carrying a Small Stick Out of a Room: gag
31 The Self-Balanced Pail: balancing a pail on a stick
32 How to Change the Spots on Dice: in the hand
32 To Make a Knot Tied in a Handkerchief Disappear
33 The Hen and Egg Bag: very brief description of the Egg Bag
33 The Dancing Egg: dances on edge of a cane
34 To Tie a Handkerchief Round Your Leg and Get it Off Without Untying the Knot
35 To Pull Off Any Person's Shirt Without Undressing Him
35 To Pass A Glass of Water in Such a Position that No One Can Remove it Without Upsetting It
36 The Penetrative Sixpence: penetrates a handkerchief
37 To Split a Piece of Money Into Two Parts: splitting a coin using chemistry
37 To Split a Shilling on the Point of a Needle: actually spinning a coin on a bottle
38 The Sixpenny Trick: gag
38 To Draw a Shilling Out of a Handkerchief: coin vanishes from handkerchief
39 To Rub One Sixpense Into Two: on a table top
39 To Melt Money in a Walnut-Shell Without Injuring the Shell: chemical stunt
40 The Vanishing Halfpence: another trick with the stack of pence
40 The Sugar Trick: gag or betcha
41 The Glass of Wine Under the Hat: another gag or betcha
41 The Sting Trick: a thumb tie
42 The Bottle Conjuror: gag
42 The Nondescript: showing the audience something they have never seen
43 The Dancing Pea: a small pea dances above a pipe
43 Magic Prints: a chemical picture
43 Electric Spark from Brown Paper: static electricity
44 To Melt Lead in a Piece of Paper: science stunt
44 The Ring Suspended by a Burnt Thread: science stunt
44 The Dancing Ring: a trick with mercury
44 To Play the Flute Without Blowing Into It: science stunt
45 To Invert a Glass of Water Without Spilling It
45 The Egg Trick: pass an egg from one glass to the other without touching
45 The Obedient Dime: a stunt
46 To Produce Beautiful Fireworks in Miniature: chemical trick
47 To Catch Money From the Air: the Miser's Dream
48 To Construct and Inflate a Small Balloon: Chemical & science trick
48 To Give Eggs a Variegated Appearance: science stunt
49 To Produce a Cannon Ball From a Hat
49 An Aviary in a Hat: using a confederate
50 The Enchanted Cock: making a rooster calm
50 To See a Future Husband: fortune telling
50 To Know What Fortune Your Future Husband Will Have: fortune telling
50 The Wet Sleeve: fortune telling
52 The Conjurer's Banquet: a stage production
54 The Dancing Skeleton: a wooden puppet
55 To Determine the Article Selected by the Company, the Performer Being Absent From the Room at the Time of Selection
56 The Magic Knife: paddle trick
57 How to Double Your Pocket Money: coins vanish from hand to join those in a hat

Part II The Black Art Exposed and Laid Bare <note: page numbers starts over at page 5 for this section>

5 To Determine the Article Selected by the Company, the Performer Being Absent From the Room at the Time of the Selection: same as above!
6 To Knock a Tumbler Through a Table
7 To Drive One Tumbler Through Another
7 The Dancing Skeleton: as above
8 The Head of the Decapitated Speaking
9 The Mystery of the Floating Head
11 To Place a Lighted Candle Under Water, Without Extinguishing It, Or a Handkerchief Without Wetting It
12 To Place Water in a Drinking Class Upside Down
12 The Faded Rose Restored
13 The Protean Liquid
13 The Burned Handkerchief Restored
14 Eatable Candle Ends
14 To Make a Watch Stop or Go At The Word of Command
15 How to Cut Your Arm Off Without Hurt or Danger
16 To Pour Cold Water Into a Kettle and Make It Come Out Hot Without the Aid of Fire
16 How to Cut a Man's Head Off, and Put it Into a Platter, a Yard From His Body
17 To Discover Any Card in a Pack By Its Weight or Smell
17 To Turn Water Into Wine
18 Magic Breath
18 To Make a Party Appear Ghastly
18 How to Eat Fire
19 To Dip the Hand in Water Without Wetting It
19 How to Shoot a Bird and Bring it to Life Again
20 Hideous Metamorphosis
20 How to Fill a Glass With Beer and Water at the Same Time, Without Mixing The Two Liquids
20 How to Kill a Fowl and Bring it to Life Again
21 To Light a Candle by a Glass of Water
21 To Light a Candle Smoke
21 To Freeze Water by Shaking It
21 Iron Changed into Silver
21 Two Cold Liquids When Mixed Become Boiling Hot
22 The Incombustible Handkerchief
22 Two Cold Liquids Produce Fire
22 To Give a Person a Supernatural Appearance
22 The Floating Needle
22 Luminous Writing
23 Beautiful Transformations
23 To Break a Stone With a Blow of the Fist
23 Magical Teaspoons
24 To Bring Two Separate Coins into One Hand
24 To Cut and Tear Into Pieces a Handkerchief, and to Make it Whole Again
25 How to Fire a Loaded Pistol at the Hand, Without Hurting It
26 A Vessel That Will Let Water Out at the Bottom, as Soon as the Mouth Is Uncorked
26 The Conjurer's Banquet
29 A Dollar Bill Concealed in a Candle
30 To Melt Iron in a Moment, and Make it Run Into Drops
30 To Change a Bowl of Ink into Clear Water, With Gold Fish in It
31 How to Swallow a Number of Needles and Yards of Thread
32 How to Make a Bird Seem as Dead
32 To Make the Appearance of a Flash of Lightning When Anyone Enters a Room With a Lighted Candle
32 To Break a Stick Placed on Two Glasses Without Breaking the Glasses
33 To Set a Combustible Body on Fire by the Contact of Water
33 To Eat a Dish of Paper Shavings, and Draw Them Out of Your Mouth Like an Atlantic Cable
34 To Produce from a Silk Handkerchief Bonbons, Candies, Nuts, etc.
35 To Keep a Stone in Perpetual Motion
36 To Make a Card Jump Out of the Pack and Run on the Table
36 How to Tell a Person any Card He Thinks of, and to Convey it Into a Nut
36 To Make a Cone or Pyramid Move Upon a Table Without Springs or Any Other Artificial Means
36 How to Make an Egg, Apparently of Itself, Leave the Center of the Room and Traverse to a Saucer of Water Placed in the Corner
37 To Eat Cotton Wool and Blow Fire and Sparks Out of Your Mouth
37 To Make a Peg T Hat Will Exactly Fit Three Different Kinds of Holes
38 Magic Money: coin transposition
38 The Magic Knife: paddle trick, as above
39 To Bring Colored Ribbons From Your Mouth
39 A Cheap Way to Being Generous: giving away a dime but taking it back
40 To Make Fire Bottles: chemical trick
40 Artificial Thunder: chemical explosion
41 The Magic Flask: color vanishes when bottle corked - chemical trick
41 How to Let Twenty Gentlemen Draw Twenty Cards, and to Make One Card Every Man's Card
41 How to Double Your Pocket Money: coins pass from the hand to the spectator's
43 To Catch Money From the Air: Miser's Dream
44 Curious Watch Trick - to Tell at What Hour a Person Will Rise in the Morning: mathematical trick
45 To Produce a Cannon Ball From a Hat
45 A Aviary in a Hat
46 To See a Future Husband
47 To Know What Fortune Your Future Husband Will Have
47 To Give Eggs a Variegated Appearance
47 The Wet Sleeve
48 To Produce Beautiful Fireworks in Miniature
49 To Construct and Inflate a Small Balloon
49 The Enchanted Cock
49 The Oriental Ball Trick
50 An Excellent Card Trick
51 The Ring and the Stick
52 The Hat Puzzle
52 The Restored Handkerchief
53 Excellent Trick with Shilling-Pieces
54 A Rope Trick
55 An Impossibility
55 To Make a Cane or Poker Stand in the Middle of the Room
55 The Trick of the Inexhaustible Bottle
56 The Dice Trick
56 The Twenty Cent Trick
57 To Make an Egg Stand on One End on a Table or Looking Glass
57 The Magic Cups
58 The Bogle Bodkin
58 To Put a Ring Through One's Cheek

59 Advertisements: 18 pages
