Thurston, Howard: (Swift) Book of Magic Volume 1
©1932 Howard Thurston
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 3.5x6.5", 14 pages
Swift Book of Magic
Image courtesy

Comments: Premium for Swift's Premium Meat Company, sponsor of Thurston's NBC radio show. I believe there were five books in the series. These are different than Thurston's "Book of Magic".


3 A Message from Thurston
4 Vanishing Coin
5 Egyptian Mirror
6 Two Foolers: puzzles
7 Nimble Thimble: marble and thimble transpo under cones
7 Slipping One Over: message reading
8 Advertisement: Swift Silverleaf Lard
10 Nose Knows: coin
10 Red and Black Mystery: cards
11 Tricky Cards
12 Futile Blows: cork and bottle
13 Hanging the Ring: ring and string
13 Healing Tongue: cut & restored string
14 Advertisement: Swift's Fine Foods
