Turcotte, Dan: The "In Your Hands" Cups and Balls Monty Routine
©2004 YouDoMagic.com (no longer active)
eBook (PDF with Videos)
Turcotte Cups
              and Balls
Image from Magicref

Comments: "For Trade Shows, Birthday Parties or Close-Up Walk Around Events." Color photographs (video grabs) throughout the PDF and purchase included two Quicktime videos of Dan performing the effect: one in a restaurant setting and the other in the street. Although this states "In the Hands", a table is still required, as are locations for the final loads. The "In the Hands" sequence is a good contribution to cups & balls moves. Was available from Dan's YouDoMagic.com website, which is no longer active.


2 Introduction
3 Table of Contents
4 Requirements and Pocket Set-Up: recommends copper or stainless steel cups for the noise! Has five final loads
5 The Routine Audience Preparation: Introducing the props and the cup-through-cup briefly explained
6 The Routine Spectator's Choice: using the table
7 Straight 3 Cup Table Monty
8 The "In Your Hands" Cups and Balls Monty Moves
9 The Convincing Circular Toss and Load Number One: spinning the cups
10 Load Number Two
11 Load Number Three
12 The Vanish and Loads Four and Five
13 Building a Crowd
13 The Loaded-Empty Cup Monty Moves
13 The Two Cup Monty Invisible Switch
14 Credits
