Wiersbe, Warren: Action with Cards
©1944 L.L Ireland, Chicago
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 6x9", 18 pages
Action With Cards
Image from Magicref

Comments (Magic Inc.): The accent is on simplicity, quick results, minimum of skill, audience appeal. Good stuff, well illustrated.

Contents (source - book, updated Feb 2016)

1 Introduction (Warren Wiersbe)
2 This Card Gets Around: version of Everywhere and Nowhere
3 What a Coincidence!: 2nd selection ends up being the first that had previously vanished
4 Back Up: selection if found in reversed cards
5 Tell How It's Done: you tell the method but the audience is still fooled
6 New Ace Control: cut to the Aces with a twist
7 The W.W. Color Change
8 Military Mixup: a story effect with court cards
9 Miracle Discovery: discovery where spectator does most of the work
10 Delayed Discovery: selection vanishes, and is then found
12 Numerical Discovery: selection is counted to
12 The Hindu Slop Shuffle
14 Instantaneous Four Ace Transposition: four cards transpose with Aces held by spectator
16 The Perfect Card Prediction
