Burger, Eugene: Growing in the Art of Magic
©1992 Eugene Burger
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 45 pages

©1996 later edition
Burger: Growing In the Art of Magic
Image courtesy TheMagicGadgetSite

Comments (Jim Maloney):  This booklet is a transcription of Eugene's earlier 3-audio tape set of the same title. While it doesn't contain any effects, it has valuable advice on evaluating your show, developing your character and your magic, and a bit about the past, present and future of magic. Highly recommended. Also available in MP3 format!


1 Growing: This section deals with how we can better grow in our magic. He stresses the importance of asking ourselves questions and listening to ourselves
2 The Way of the Magician: Here, Eugene talks about how there are no unimportant moments in a show and why we should pay attention to all the details.
3 Managing People Close-Up: In this chapter, he deals with the problem of hecklers and how to deal with them.
4 Before the Show (with Danny Orleans): Eugene talks with Danny Orleans about how he prepares for a show and what kind of preparation is necessary.
5 After the Show (with Danny Orleans): Eugene and Danny continue their conversation to after the show. They talk about eating pizza and evaluating your show. Recording (both audio and video) as an aid in the evaluation process.
6 The Origin and Symbolism of Magic (with Jack Gould): This section contains a discussion between Eugene and Jack Gould about the origins of magic in prehistoric times, how magic and religion are interlinked.
7 The Future of Magic (with Jay Inglee): Eugene and Jay Inglee discuss where magic is heading. They talk about how a lot of magic nowadays is about 'The Adventures of the Props in the Performers Hands' and how to change it to something more meaningful.
8 Seeking a Magical Vision: Here, Eugene deals with the question everyone should be asking themselves: 'How can I present my magic in my own, unique way?'
9 Imagination, Solitude, and Creativity: Eugene talks about how we can be more creative, and gives some tips on stimulating our imagination.
10 The Flow of Water: Although not directly related to magic, this chapter contains some of Eugene's thoughts and reflections on the writings of the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu.
