Evans, Shawn: Deceptions That Dare To Dazzle & Delight
The Magic of Mimesis Vol.1
©2012 Mimesis Magic
Softcover, perfect-bound, 182 pages
Deceptions That Dare to Delight and Dazzle
Image courtesy MimesisMagic
Shawn Evans: Deceptions That Dare to Dazzle & Delight

Comments: In this book, you’ll learn a diverse range of unique close-up and mental magic effects. http://www.mimesis-magic.com

Contents (from web descriptions, Chapters only, numbers are not page numbers):

Chapter 1: The 54 Locator Deck
Chapter 2: Jack the One-Eyed Seer
Chapter 3: Heal Bill
Chapter 4: Fraud Plus
Chapter 5: Mind Find
Chapter 6: Invisible Echoing
Chapter 7: GPS Card Locator
Chapter 8: Stuck on Six
Chapter 9: The 3 By 5 Trick
Chapter 10: Science Fiction with Frixion [Phoenix Angels]
Chapter 11: Angel Dream Catcher
Chapter 12: Sparkle, Jell-o, Snow, Wine & Space-Time
Chapter 13: Super Seer Bicycle Card Box
Chapter 14: Blue & Red Fliers
