Heath, Royal V: Mathemagic: Magic, Puzzles and Games with Numbers
©1933 Royal Vale Heath
©1953 Dover Publications
ISBN: 0486201104
Softcover, perfect-bound, 5.5x8.5", 30 pages

(I've also seen a hardcover edition)
Image courtesy eBay seller MyMagic
Older Dover Edition
Image courtesy eBay seller Zigby7
Dover Edition
mage courtesy of Dover Publications

Comments:A collection of magic tricks based on mathematical principles. Even the republication date on the copyright page is given as a puzzle!

From Dover Publications: This Dover edition, first published in 1953, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. in 1933.


7 Mathemagic
7 Central Knows Your Age
9 The Robber and the Sheep
12 Family Histrick
14 The Lie Detector
17 Arithmental Whoopee
21 An Eventric
23 I'm Telling You
25 The Dime and the Penny
27 Child's Play
30 A-Numgram

33 Number Symphonies
33 A Symphony in Fractions
34 The Mystic Number 76923
35 The Magic Number 142857
36 1089 and All That
37 You'd Never Think It of 19 and 9109
38 Some Pretty Arrangements
39 All the Same Number

40 Easy Ways to Multiply

45 Arithmeticklish
45 The Lost Digit
47 The Coo-Coo Calculator
49 Digitellus
51 Dice-Cyphering
53 There in Sequence
56 Birthdate Trick
58 How to Make Millions
61 Multipractice
64 Topsy Turvy

66 Sleight of Mind
66 Think of a Card
67 An Amazing Memory Trick
69 Tele-phoney
72 At a Glance
74 Psychic Bridge
78 Juggling the Time
80 Always the Same Number
82 A Detectrick
85 Digitslips
86 Figure This Out

87 Magic Squares

99 Appendigits
99 The Magic Triangle
101 The Magis Square on the Hypotenuse
103 The Magic Lovers
105 The Magic Gridiron
107 The Magic Explosion
109 The Magic Square of Squares
111 The Complementary Magic Square of Squares
113 The Magic Honeycomb
115 The Magic Web
117 The Magic Wheel
119 The Magic Quintuplets
121 The Three Acrobats
123 The Magic Block

124 Method of Determining the Day of Any Date

125 A Short-Cut Interest Method

126 Raffles
