Heyl, Edgar: Conjuring Books 1580 to 1850
©1963 Edgar Heyl
Softcover, tape-bound, 8.5x11", 62 pages
Conjuring Books 1580 to 1850
Image from University of Michigan
Edgar Heyl: Conjuring Books 1580 to 1850

Comments: "A contribution to conjuring bibliography, English language, 1580 to 1850". Published with the assistance of F. Wm. Kuethe, Jr, editor and publisher of The Magic Cauldron.

Contents (from book):

1 Preface
9 References
10 Bookseller's Catalogues
11 Libraries or Their Catalogues
12 A
14 B
17 C
21 D
24 E
27 F
28 G
30 H
34 I
35 J
36 L
38 M
41 N
43 O
44 P
47 R
48 S
50 T
51 U, V
52 W
57 Y
58 Addenda
60 Index to Color Plate Books
